Basic- Sending Asset
In this lesson, we will show how to send QURAS coins using quras-js module. quars-js module supplys you the function that send assets under the qurasDB API.
Sending coins
Let's see the example.
import * as Quras from `quras-js`

const rpcServer = new Quras.rpc.RPCClient(Quras.CONST.QURAS_NETWORK.MAIN);

Quras.api.qurasDB.getBalance(Quras.CONST.QURAS_NETWORK.MAIN, 'DknmAbcap8RnUpkLQvbXTwTXqFJMjN4QPz') // Get the balance of from address.
.then((data) => {
    const balance = new Quras.wallet.Balance(data)
    var scriptHash = Quras.wallet.getScriptHashFromAddress('Dqf3UKe1f5FBWduGxHp8RMqP29dL6DgGS1'); // To address.
    const outputs = [{
            assetId: Quras.CONST.ASSET_ID['QRS'], // The type of asset that you want to send.
            value: 2, // amount to send.
            fee: 0.2, // fee
            scriptHash: scriptHash // The scripthash of "To address".

        const testTx = Quras.tx.Transaction.createContractTx(balance, outputs) // create a transaction.

        testTx.sign('20164b85226c67cb6d8fe114f3b91af3f2dfc52dcf05d708e9eca80c8d739481'); // Sign the transaction using private key

        rpcServer.sendRawTransaction(testTx.serialize()) // Send the transaction to RPC Server.
        .then((data) => {
        .catch ((error) => {
.catch((error) => {
You can send your coin to other address like this, above.