
quras-js lives in the NPM system under the organization Quras Dev.

To install
npm install quras-js

quras-js supports 2 kinds of imports.

A default import will import the semantic version of quras. Use this if you are new or just want the whole package to use.

import QurasLib from 'quras-js'

const query = QurasLib.create.query()
Modules are exposed through named imports. This allows more fine grained control and access to individual modules.
import {rpc, tx} from 'quras-js'

const query = new rpc.Query()
As quras-js package uses ES6 module conventions, require will need to specify which module do they want exactly:
var quras-js = require('quras-js')

// Semantic Style by using default import
var Quras = quras-js.default
const query = Quras.create.query()

// Named imports are available too
var wallet = quras-js.wallet
var tx = quras-js.tx

const account = new wallet.Account(privateKey)
quras-js is also packaged for the web. You can add it through a script tag
<script src="./lib/browser.js">

The library will be available as a global variable QurasLib. Similar to require style, you will have the semantic style under default and the rest of the named modules exposed at the same level.