Basic- Smart contract limitation
We currently recommend C# for developing smart contracts.
Data types

QurasVM provides the following basic types:

  • ByteArray
  • Integer
  • Boolean
  • Array
  • Struct
  • Map
  • Interface

The basic types that can be directly generated from QSB code are only:

  • ByteArray
  • Array
  • Struct
  • Map

The basic types of C# are:

  • Int8 int16 int32 int64 uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64
  • float double
  • Boolean
  • char string

Because of the differences in the basic types of virtual machines, the basic types of C# are not fully supported, and there are some special situations in use.

Parameter and Return types

When you deploy smart contract, you have to set parameter types and return type. QurasVM provides the following types :

  • Boolean(0x01)
  • Integer(0x02)
  • Hash160(0x03)
  • Hash256(0x04)
  • ByteArray(0x05)
  • PublicKey(0x06)
  • String(0x07)
  • Array(0x10)
C# integral types

Int8 int16 int32 int64 uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64

All these integer types are supported because QurasVM has only one integer type and the underlying implementation is BigInteger, which covers larger scope than C#.

A numeric type, VARINT, is represented as BigInteger in the underlying implementation.

Additionally, these are supported for C# BigInteger

BigInteger total_qrs = 300;
BigInteger ico_qrs = 200;
var a1 = abc + 1;
var a2 = abc - 1;
var a3 = abc * 1;
var a4 = abc / 1;
var a5 = abc % 2;
if (a1 > a2) ;
if (a2 < a3) ;
if (a3 == a2) ;
if (a3 != a2) ;
if (a1 >= a2) ;
if (a1 <= a2) ;
int k = 100;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
   k += j;
C# floating point types
Not support.
C# bool types
Basic support. The underlying behavior is similar to INT; false is int 0.
C# char string types
Not fully support. Unlike the string in C#, the string in QurasVM is treated as bytearray, thus the string compiled into QSB is actually its UTF8 encoded bytearray. Do not use any string advanced handlers. Just treat string as a special type. Particularly do not use string to handle Chinese.
string ss3 = "ab";
ss3 += "c";
var ss = "abcdef";
var b2 = ss.Length;
var c = ss + "abc";
var d = ss.Substring(1, 2);

String concatenation, fetch length, and intercept operations for bytes are supported. English strings are supported as the same as strings in C#, however, Chinese strings are not supported.

Since there is no support for other types to be formatted as strings, the results of “abc”+1.ToString() and C# are different.

char type is supported as the integer type.

C# class and structure
C# class and structure definition is supported.
public class info
        public byte[] a;
        public byte[] b;

Defining custom member functions is not supported, with the exception of extern member functions that use features like APPCALL.

Custom constructors are not supported, with the exception of extern constructors that use the OPCALL attribute.

C# array

C# array is supported, and the behavior is similar to C#.

Byte[] is an exception as it is a special type in the QurasVM underlying layer.

Usually you can set the value in an array using the following:

short[] some= new short[17];
some[1] = 12;
return some;
C# enumeration

Defining enumerations is supported only when used as a numeric value.

Formatting to String and parsing from String are not supported.

C# containers

C# common LIST Dictionary containers are not supported.

The LIST function can be replaced by an array.

The Dictionary function can be replaced with MAP in XQC DOTNET DEVPACK.

C# variables
Temporary variables are unrestricted. Defining const variables and static member variables are supported. Assigning initial values to static member variables is supported.
private const ulong total_qrs = total_ico_usd / qrs_to_usd * qrs_decimals;
public static BigInteger TotalIcoQRS() => total_qrs;
C# delegates and events

You can define two functions of C# delegates, which are special features of QurasVM.

public delegate void acall(string a);

One can be used to define events:

publics tatic event acall dododo;

When invoking this event, the QURAS C# compiler regards it as the Notify method.

The other can be used to convert a bytearray to a delegate:

acall call = (acall)new byte[] { 01, 02, 03 }.ToDelegate();

This implements a call to a smart contract with a specified address.

C# development convention

C# export requirements

QURAS C# compile requires that a smart contract has only one Main function as the entry point.

Other functions to be exported should be public static and have unique name.

C# delegation and definition
C# delegates and events have special features. Refer to the C# delegates and events section.
Built-in attributes

You may find there are lots of extern external functions of QURAS DEVPACK. In fact, they have no external implementation because they do not need to be implemented. They are marked by features.

You can use these functions in your smart contracts.

Calling a function with the APPCALL attribute calls the specified smart contract.
 public static extern bool AnotherContract(string arg, object[] args);
Calling a function with the Syscall attribute actually calls the corresponding system function:
 public extern long GetBalance(byte[] asset_id);
When a function with the OPCODE attribute is called, the call is translated into an instruction:
 public extern static byte[] Take(byte[] good, int index);
Executing a function with the NonEMit attribute is usually used to complete conversions that meet syntax rules. In fact, there is no need to make the conversion in the underlying QurasVM.
public extern static Delegate ToDelegate(this byte[] source);
Executing a function with the NonemitWithConvert attribute actually executes a conversion. The input to this function must be a constant as the conversion is performed in the phase of compilation.
public extern static byte[] ToScriptHash(this string address);

For example, “ASH……wk”.ToScriptHash(); is valid as the compiler can make a conversion to “ABCD”.

However, String xxx = "ASH……wk"; xxx.ToScriptHash(); is invalid as the compiler cannot determine the value of XXX.